photo: Amazing

An amazing day of fun for the whole class!

Record a creative video and win a trip to Amazing for the whole class!

Amazinga announced the prize video contest #Amazingadanzabave for elementary school students, in which they are invited to answer the question: “Why exactly does your class deserve a prize?” through a short video.

The two most creative videos will be awarded a trip to Amazing for the whole class!

Applications are open from 15.11. – 29.11.2021, and the main purpose of the competition is to motivate young people to creatively show why they deserve to win a full-day trip to Amazing under the slogan #Amazingadanzabave in a video format of at least 60 seconds. The video should then be sent to the email: under the heading Creative video contest

The winners of the competition “Amazing day of fun for the whole class” will be those classes of the elementary school in Croatia, which the expert jury judges to have shown in an engaging, memorable and personalized way why it deserves the award.

The competition was launched so that in these challenging times, children would feel the joy of togetherness and the beauty of education, which unfortunately they are currently deprived of, through a joint journey.

You can find more details and rules of the prize competition at the link: Rules of the prize competition

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