Frequently asked questions
In case you do not find the answer to your question, our customer support is at your disposal, which you can always contact via social networks.
01 5814721
Contact us by phone
Send us an email
Avenija Dubrovnik 15/36
Visit us at the Fair
The most common of the most common questions
Appointment reservations are not required. You arrive, register at the reception and go to the attractions you've decided on.
You can see Amazing's working hours here .
You can see the prices here .
Of course! You can view the offer of birthday packages here .
Anti-slip socks are mandatory for the use of the trampoline park, soft play, climbing zone and adrenaline park. You can bring your own socks or buy Amazinga anti-slip socks at the reception for HRK 20 per pair.
You can see the payment methods in the web shop and at the reception here .
Services and availability
You can see the location of Amazinga, as well as instructions on how to reach us, here .
Amazinga offers its visitors secured free parking, which you can reach by turning directly from Joszefa Antalla Street.
You can leave your things in the lockers inside Amazinga, but please leave the key in the lock after use.
There is a! Amazinga has its own cafe where you can refresh yourself with a wide selection of drinks, and you can also enjoy it on the spacious outdoor terrace.
Preparation, and what kind! You can find more information about the offer of our restaurant here .
There is a. This is a space we have provided especially for mothers and their babies.
You can book a child's birthday at Amazinga at the link , or by phone at 01 5814721.
Amazinga offers a Ledo ice cream cake (130 kn) for children's birthday celebrations. It is not possible to bring your own cake, but it is possible to celebrate a birthday in Amazinga without a birthday cake.
You can! Amazing offers annual, multi-month and monthly membership fees, and you can view the packages here .
You can, but hurry! The offer of monthly and multi-month membership fees lasts only until August 31, 2020. and you can watch it here .
You can! You can view the packages for the annual membership fee here .
Not! Membership package can only be used by one person.
COVID-19 and security
*Last update: 14 October 2020
We are working! Amazinga works according to its normal and usual working hours, while applying all the prescribed measures of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia that relate to the operation of sports facilities and recreational centers.
In order to contribute to the joint efforts aimed at suppressing the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Amazinga applies a whole set of preventive measures. We disinfect the attractions in Amazinga every 2 hours, and we disinfect the parts of the attractions that are used individually after each use. Our operators wear protective masks all the time, and hand disinfection is mandatory when entering the space. It is also mandatory to maintain the prescribed distance, and in order to make everyone feel safer - several disinfection points have been set up around Amazinga. You can find more about security measures HERE .
In addition to all that, Amazing from October 2020. it disinfects part of its attractions - with ozone. You can find out more about the innovative practice that we applied for the first time in the world HERE .
According to the decision of the Civil Protection Headquarters, you must wear a mask in Amazinga while moving through the center, but not while using any of the attractions (except for the first level of soft play). Our employees wear masks all the time.
You can find out more about security measures here . In case you cannot find the information you are interested in, you can always contact our customer service via chat on the website, on social networks or by phone at 01 5814721.
Multisport card
You can! You can use the Multisport card in Amazinga from July 2020. years!
Users of the Multisport card at Amazinga can use the Trampoline Park and the Climbing Zone for a total of 1 hour per day, from Monday to Friday during Amazinga's working hours.
At the Amazinga Velesajam location, it is possible to use the Multisport card for the Fitness program as well!
Not! The Multisport card is not transferable and can only be used by its user or holder. Based on the terms of use of the Multisport card, the user is obliged to show his ID card and pass his Multisport card through the POS verification device upon arrival.