Lost property form
Don’t worry, we will try to find your lost item! To get started, fill out our lost items form at the bottom of the page, and our customer support will get back to you with feedback.
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If the lost item is found, you will be notified as soon as possible.
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9311, Rad sports facilities \ Headquarters: Avenija Dubrovnik 15/33, 10 000 Zagreb \ Registration number: 04078888 \ Tax number: 20156458678 \ Legal form: Limited liability company \ Representatives: Mitja Šafar \ Activity: Leasing ) cars and light category motor vehicles \ Giro account: Zagrebačka Banka 2360000-1102396979\ SWIFT: ZABAHR2X \ IBAN: HR62 2360 0001 1023 9697 9 (Zaba) \ Registry court: Commercial court in Zagreb, MBS: 080863079 \ Share capital: paid in in full, HRK 20,000.00